Anti-racism tactics

Although I’m not the biggest fan of anti-racism work that is based on white people as allies, Paul Kivel (2002) has some great anti-racism tactics. His focus is on providing tactics to white people (which makes sense in so far as white people are the least likely to be already doing these things), but I think they may be useful tactics for anyone. So here they are:

  1. Assume racism is everywhere, every day.
  2. Notice who is the center of attention and who is the center of power.
  3. Notice how racism is denied, minimized and justified.
  4. Understand and learn from the history of whiteness and racism.
  5. Understand the connections between racism, economic issues, sexism and other forms of injustice.
  6. Take a stand against injustice.
  7. Be strategic.
  8. Don’t confuse a battle with the war.
  9. Don’t call names or be personally abusive.
  10. Support the leadership of people of color.
  11. Learn something about the history of white people who have worked for racial justice.
  12. Don’t do it alone.
  13. Talk with your children and other young people about racism.

What other tactics do you use to challenge racism?

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