Colour Me Blind
Great video I just came across, it totally outs the way diversity gets used to shut down conversations about the impacts of racism …
Great video I just came across, it totally outs the way diversity gets used to shut down conversations about the impacts of racism …
I’ve been reading Hazel Smith’s The Writing Experiment, and here’s one of the word association poems that I came up with. white white wash white soap white clean white whale white board white teaching white knowledge white supremacy white people white flowers white goodness white evil white right white rightness white apart white violence white…
The luggage collection area in most airports is a pretty boring place. It doesn’t seem to be a part of the airport that gets much attention, despite the expensive renovations and art in many Canadian airports these days. Calgary, however, has decided to liven up their luggage area with a few scenes from the Canadian…
An article about the aesthetic appeal of mixed-race faces was just listed on today’s links by racialicious. It definitely challenges the claims that are made about how it is ‘natural’ for people to find others of their own race more attractive (this claim is usually used to justify why most people choose partners who have…
Part VI of a series on the history of race in Canada and the US. After the end of World War II, there was a significant shift in race-thinking. As the horrors of the holocaust came into popular awareness, it became less acceptable to talk about the differences between races in general, and white-supremacy in…
According to a recent publication by the Parliamentary Research Branch, Canadian multiculturalism has four meanings: as a sociological fact, as ideology, as policy, and as a process of group interaction (Dewing and Leman, 2006, p. 1). These distinctions can help to pull apart the conflations that are often made in the uses of the word…
An actual comment, left by an actual person on the Stuff White People Like blog: I am so sick and tired of the fucking double-standard!!! OMG! YES, ONCE UPON A TIME, WHITE PEOPLE HAD BLACK PEOPLE AS SLAVES! GUESS WHAT!?!?! THOSE TIMES ARE GONE AND PASSED! MORE IMPORTANTLY, you should realize that the white people…
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That is awesome! Good find. Oh man, I laughed hard over this except it was also so uncomfortably real that it wasn’t funny…